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打落水狗[ dǎ luò shuǐ gǒu ]
⒈ 已经落水的狗也必须坚决打击。比喻要彻底打跨处于失败地位的凶恶敌人。也指不能放过已失势的坏人。“落水狗”。比喻受到重大打击的凶恶的坏人或敌人。
英beat a drowning dog; (fig) completely crush a defeated enemy; beat the mad dog even through it is already in the water;
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⒈ 比喻继续打击那些已经失败了的敌人,不使死灰复燃。
引瞿秋白 《<鲁迅杂感选集>序言》:“鲁迅 的著名的‘打落水狗’真正是反自由主义,反妥协主义的宣言。”
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打落水狗[ dǎ luò shuǐ gǒu ]
⒈ 趁他人失败或危难时再加以打击。参见「落井下石」条。
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英语lit. to beat a drowning dog (idiom), fig. to pulverize an (already defeated) enemy, to hit sb when he's down